Tuesday, September 8, 2020

9/1-9/8 2020

 I'm playing golf at Balduck, in the field there with Jim Wilson On the way home I remember that my dad bought the Harvard Grille and turned it into a Coney Island restaurant so we stopped there. I Introduce Jim to everyone A bunch of the Kondaks are there. Teagan asks me how I like it and I mention Nathan's hot dogs and she says they're too tough. 

I'm in Spain and I park the car near a bunch of donut shops. I go into one and hang out for a while. When I go back to the car, it had been towed. someone in a van says he'll take me to the parking structure where the car is. It's been towed to make way for other cars and I wouldn't get a ticket. I ask about tipping him. 

I'm hanging out with a 14-year old girl. We're good friends and it's strictly a platonic relationship. We're in a small village and we wander out into the country to take some photos. It's beautiful with rivers and fields. 

I attend a ski jumping contest where a bunch of the coaches wipe out. Lisa Repicky is there and it's a Wednesday night. I remember hat we've invited a bunch of the old gang over for dinner. When I get home, Brian and Molly are there and we're serving tacos.

I'm leaving an event on the west side and Sarah and Alex are n the car. We're trying to figure out how to get to the freeway but the map in the car is all ripped up. We decide to take surface streets back to the east side. We're sort of on foot for a bit and are in the middle of a police raid of some sorts. Someone yells that the police "said a bad word about my ankle!" W're driving through an area with big old buildings and see a huge Orthodox church with huge spires. 

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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...