Tuesday, March 28, 2023


I'm at Orchestra Hall for a concert. I'm sitting way in the back on some benches. At intermission I go upstairs to a big carpeted room Ed Berger is there and he's joking about eating hot dogs. We're told if we stay in the room for the second half we can hear the orchestra from underneath the room. But I decide to go back to hear the music. I was thinking about sitting in one of the last row of seats because there are several empty ones. I'm told they were reserved for Scandinavians. So I go back to the section with the benches 


I drive around Greektown. It was where they filmed a movie. A couple of the restaurant owners wave at us. Then I'm in a bar with Jenny French. I start to drink a beer but can't finish it. A waiter puts a cap on it Then I was drinking wine out of a weirdly shaped glass.  I didn't want to get too buzzed so i decided I'd quit after one glass. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2023


I'm at Grandma Bruske's house. There's a big party going on and after about an hour I'm bored and want to leave. I really have to go to the bathroom, only for some reason there either aren't any toilets there or they're being used for something else. I figured I can suck it in until I get home. Then I think maybe I can go to a gas station on Grand River, only it might be a shady neighborhood. Then the dream shifts and we see some little girls who are either training for a beauty pageant or are in some sort of finishing school. One little girl acts like some jaded movie star and several of us observe that she looks possessed! 


Joe and I are working on some murals. It's in the parking lot of St.Paul's, only it's really Communist China. She's doing decorative, non-controversial paintings, and I'm doing subversive, anti-government art. They're drawings of limos. I get banned for my art. I'm pretty depressed and walk home along Grosse Pointe Blvd. It's sprinkling and there are puddles along the curb which I walk in. Diana eventually catches up with me and she tries to console me. 

Monday, March 20, 2023


I'm supposed to attend a meeting about benefits at the company I'm working for. The event is going to have a bunch of desserts. So right after the group before us leaves, a couple of us sneak in early. There are a bunch of trays of pastries set out. So we grab a bunch of them and load up our plates. They keep bringing more and more out. At one pointe someone yells, "Sara Lee!" They set out a whole bunch of cheesecake slices. 

Sunday, March 19, 2023


President Obama was in town with Michelle and kids in tow. I went to midtown to see him. He was really tall and had put on some weight. I walked up to him and he said quietly, that if I wanted to talk to him, I had to pretend I was talking to myself. I told him I loved jazz and classical music. Then he kept going in and out of the Vernor's bottling plant on Woodward. 

Saturday, March 18, 2023


I'm downtown on Jefferson near the Renaissance Center trying to take a bus home. I give someone $1.50, which is what the bus fare is. I check my pockets and only have some fives and tens. But I do have a two Euro bill, and I figured the bus driver will take that. I keep looking for a 620 and a 625 bus but none pass by. It's getting really frustrating. 


Teagan and I are out painting mail trucks white.

I'm sitting in an almost empty classroom. 

I have two dreams about fried chicken. In the first one, I'm picking away at chicken leg and thigh. In the second, there's a whole battered and fried chicken. It's fairly picked clean, but someone picks it up and starts pulling what's left of the meat on it. It's rather greasy. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023


I'm going to buy season tickets for the Tigers at Tiger Stadium. I have to choose either four seats in the lower deck in the eft field corner or  in the upper deck along first base. I look at the ballpark and comment that it's the best ballpark that ever existed. Then we're outside the park. Jim Farber is gong to drive us in his big van. We have an older couple with us and he drops them off at their car. It's a big black vehicle and is blocked in by another car. Then the other car leaves. 

I get a job selling cars at a Chevy dealership in Warren. All I remember of this dream is walking around the showroom, thinking about what I'm going to say when a customer comes in. 

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


I was hanging around with a couple guys, one of whom was Polish and didn't speak a word of English. The other guy told me he spoke fluent Polish. He said he studied Latin in high school and it made learning other languages real easy. I asked him hi yak shumosh meant "hi" in Polish. He said it actually translated as I, you, me, him! A total nonsense phrase. When I asked him how you say "hi" in Polish he say you just say "hi."  

Tuesday, March 14, 2023



It was the Kondak camping weekend, only it was taking place at Northland Mall. I was walking around, and I remember I was relating a dream I had. We visited the western part of the mall and it was a nostalgia area. We looked out the window and could see a cool 1950s style diner. Christo sad the food was real lousy there. 

Sunday, March 12, 2023



Diana organizes a huge Kondak family reunion. It's out in the country on a farm. I spot the Tonemeister who's introducing himself to members of the family and having a great time. I go up to him to say hi and he coldly says hi back and basically snubs me. Diana tells me that the worst thing about have a party this good is she'll have to organize it every year. 

I'm at an ad agency working with Paul Renali. We have to work up a series of print ads while Rod Thompson gets to go to the presentation and read the radio scripts to the client. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023


I was riding bikes with The Hawk. I think we were riding home from St. Paul's and he showed me a shortcut where the trail path went trough a few backyards. 

This one is almost impossible to describe. There was a Buddhist monk who floated by a row of plants and he was playing a zither based on his impression of the plants. This somehow inspired some fried seafood I got from a restaurant. Then there was some other food based on his playing, or maybe it was an imitation of his playing and it tasted terrible. 

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


My brother Paul puts a pot of coffee on. He forgets to put grounds into the coffee maker and plain boiled water comes out. I stop the machine and add coffee. In real life, I woke up this morning and was going to turn on the coffee machine. I realized I set the machine up without adding water!


I was supposed to meet someone after lunch. So I drove way out on the west side--maybe West Bloomfield? It was an area near a golf club. I accidentally drove over it. Then I walked around. There were huge Victorian houses. I tried to take some pix with my iPhone. It was a Jewish neighborhood. It was a Friday and people were dressed u and walking to Temple. I was downtown and there was a tree sculpture with various white sculptures on it that were moving. I shot some video of it. 

Monday, March 6, 2023


I was picked to lead a Slow Roll bike ride. It started downtown near the Renaissance Center and headed east through the Tool & Die district. Then we got to a point where we were way up on a hill The only ways down were going down the steep hill or using some treacherous ladders/stairs. So I went ahead and climbed down the ladder with my bike in tow  

Sunday, March 5, 2023


I was involved in a big investment deal with a bunch of people When it came through, everyone was scrambling regarding what to do about taxes, etc. We were in a building in Detroit on Mack Ave. We finally  got someone who wasn't sure what she was doing to try to do the taxes. Then, when all the commotion died down, Judy Adams showed up and said she was busy but she told me all the instructions were in a yellow envelope in a drawer and she called me about it earlier. I forgot to mention it and I kept apologizing and get down on my knees and begged for mercy. Then I put on my raincoat and walked down Mack towards G.P. in the rain. There are a bunch of people walking around. 

Friday, March 3, 2023


I'm at a gathering at Zander and Ashley's house. It might be Greek Easter. I go to fill up my plate only every dish seems to be meat of some sort. I finally fill my plate with a big pile of tased potatoes. 

Joe and I are at an outdoor jazz concert. Art Blakey is playing. There are a couple of tents set up with ticket windows. I see Joe is escorting Besser. There are big lines at each tent. I spot one that's empty and I ask if they[re selling regular tickets or only VIP passes. The woman tells me tickets are $180! We decide to bail. 


I hop on a train that's headed into downtown Chicago. The driver tells me it's $2. Then he changes his mind and tells me it's only 50 cents. 


I'm going to a party at Tonce's and I bring him a couple of LPs. When I get there I put on on the turntable. My brother Paul calls. I recently gave him some stereo or electronic equipment and he can't figure out how to work it. 


I'm playing golf with y dad. My clubs are a set from a bunch that were picked over. They only include 1, 2, and 3 irons and a pitching wedge. And the golf balls I have are deformed. 


I'm at the Grand Prix race. Only instead of cars they're racing boats. The course is sort of a dammed up river that's in a circle. 

I'm taking a sax class at Wayne. There's a table with a bunch of saxes to choose from. Someone hands me one that shaped like a blue suede boot and tells me it's a real easy one to play and a good one to start out with.


I'm near the Neighborhood Club Field and I run into Wally. I give him a hug and there's no response from him He starts complaining abut the Jazz Festival and how you can't get anywhere near the stage. We talk about going to a restaurant. 



Nick is making a comedy tape on his reel-to-reel tape deck. Mrs. Turing object to it. 


Marcy Farris is in town. Lawyers are trying to get ahold of her. She worked for Altec Lansing which turned into Apple. She could be the owner of Apple Corp. Her husband had dinner for her and I was playing the piano. John Lapp visits us. My dad is in Calcutta on business and I was trying to call him. 


We're in Japan at a power plant. We figure out a way to blow it up only a bunch of soldiers start chasing us. We slide down a mountain into the sea and to safety. 



I eat at a restaurant. Then I ride a horse back to work. They're laying off a bunch of us in the creative department. I look for my green van and can't find it. Then I remember I rode my horse to work. 

I was going to play in a hockey game. I lace up my skates but the lace breaks. I lace the rest of them up and it was okey. The hockey stick there are huge and I can't find a left-handed one. 


I'm getting my hair cut and the barber parts my hair on the side. It looks really weird and I tell him I haven't parted it on the side since high school. 


There's a Kondak gathering for my birthday. I can see into a room on the second floor of a building. A bunch of us are hanging around a beautiful '57 Chevy at Sylvia Sanders. Scotty's daughter is eating a PB&J sandwich. "Maybe we shouldn't be in here." Christo is sitting in a camping chair on the side of a building. I'm going to hang out with him until later. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...