Friday, May 20, 2022



I'm on a business trip to Spain. I go out to dinner with my roommate. I look at the menu and it's all meat, whole roasted chickens, Lamb and beef. I mention that I'm a vegetarian and the waiter says he can make a pasta dish with shrimp and scallops. The guy I'm with says he bought a bunch of glasses for the guy who'll be his roommate for the second half of the trip. 



I have a job in a factory. I go out on break and walk around. It's sort of hilly and there are a bunch of people i know from advertising. The area is full of new stores and looks lie the mall out near the airport. I go back into the factory. It's very modern and clean and I can't remember where I worked--maybe in an office?



I'm at some sort of competition. Chess? Poker? It's in a fancy hotel. I'm invited to load up a plate of food. There are several rooms with huge trays of pastries. I'm encouraged to fill up a plate and take some home. 


I'm dying my hair blond and I look in the mirror and notice I missed some spots. I try to rub the dye in. Some of it got on my mustache and it looks crappy. 1/2 of it is missing and my beard is gone. I think I might shave off what's left of the mustache. 

This was a dream within a dream and I'm describing it to someone. Im at the counter of a pizza parlor. There are some pieces of bread on the counter and I nibble on some. I want to order a pizza for Joe but I can't remember what she wants on it. The guy suggests peanut butter. I finally order one with peps, cheese, and pesto. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022


We go out on Frank Traum's sailboat. It's not too big and it looks like a storm is about to hit so we go back into port. A little later we board another one of his boats. It's absolutely huge and the main is flapping away. I tell him we should tie it down. Then some crew members take over. They're going to take us on a planned adventure. We hit the shore and it's some sort of pirate themed amusement park. Lee is also on board. 


Joe buys a condo downtown. She has the top floor of a cool old 5 or 6 story building. I finally decide to go down and visit her after about a year. I get on a tram that runs between two buildings owned by the same landlord. The other building is only about 4 blocks away. I hop on and am on the tram for about an hour and a half and it's super slow. Finally I hop off and take the stairs up to het place. A couple of very serious women are leaving her place--I think they're League Ladies. She opens up the door and I wake up. 

About 7 or 8 of us are playing kickball. We're not taking it too seriously. Several older gentlemen sho up and want to play. They take the game very seriously and want to have kicking drills and stuff. 

Monday, May 9, 2022


I'm cross country skiing. I'm being chased because I tried to strangle someone. It's in a hilly neighborhood with lots of country around me. I lay down and try to cover myself up with snow. They get closer and spot me. 


I'm freelancing as a proofreader at an ad agency. Someone get a hold of my paycheck and is astonished at how much it is. It's this big light blue thing, that's all folded up. Somehow it gets lost and I can't find it. I ask for more work since I'm sitting around doing nothing. I get involved in some more projects. Steve Ockerman is working there. 

I'm downtown in an old building. The inside is a Victorian setting. I see they're shooting a movie or a commercial in there W go outside and then I realize I may know some of the people involved in the shot. I go inside and introduce myself and I realize some of the people look familiar and they appear to know me, only I can't remember their names. 


I'm at Kent Drugs buying some slices of pie. I want some Key Lime pie and there are only a few left, and it looks like they're half eaten. I find one full slice and it's priced 59 cents. Max tells me it's free. Then he tells me not to watch Bill Kennedy's Showtime because he's a real right winger. 

Friday, May 6, 2022


We're getting ready for Thanksgiving dinner. I clean and wax the dining room table. Someone sets the turkey down and I notice the table has a bunch of water (condensation) on it. I remove the tray and someone hands me some paper toweling and I wipe up the water. 

I'm at a party store and my dad is buying a bunch of stuff. Joe says we should buy some lunch meat. She also says we ned to buy a bottle of vodka because Hannah drank all of ours when she was in town staying with us. 


I'm at some kind of food bar where we can fill up styrofoam containers of food. There's a whole roasted pig, and I stuff a bunch of sliced pork into a container. I also grab some tortillas as well. It's kind of gross how much meat I pack into the containers. 

I'm in a brand new complex that's a combination of shopping mall and senior housing. It's a huge 2 or 3-story building that's mostly stores. I'm having a hard time tracking down the actual housing are, but I think it's at the ends of the structure. I run into my dad who's living there. He tells me he and my mom are living with Aunt Betty. He mentions something about how Paul is just pretending to get along with me, and after some event takes place, Paul won't have any more contact with me. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


I'm hanging around the Tonemeister. He has this weird habit of making this easy/squeeky noise every five or six seconds. It's driving me crazy and I tell Joe about it. 

I'm going to meet Joe in a Metro Park out near Ann Arbor. She drives ahead. Then I head out 8 Mile and I-94. I end up in the U.P. and I'm driving along tiny rural roads. I call Joe and tell her I'll be a bit late. Then I end up on some railroad tracks. There's a tiny station there and an Amish woman is there with a sniper rifle. When the small train pulls into the station she shoots someone. 


After trying to hook up with Bjork, she finally agrees to meet with me. It's after a show and we talk at great length. We briefly hug and kiss and she leaves. She's flying back to London where she lives. We're in Ireland and we're flying there too. I regret not making arrangements to hook up with her. 

I'm walking around NYC with Joe. She wants to go to Yankee Stadium for an event where you destroy furniture. We split up and I take pix in a quaint part of town. I photograph families in shop and restaurant windows with my iPhone. I drop it and it turns into a beat up slot car. I call Joe and tell her to go to the event--I probably won't participate.  


I'm staying in a hotel In NYX. Someone is in our room on the third night. There's no front desk--it's in China. I go down to the coffee shop to complain.

I'm working in a shop that's being converted into a British Bakery. I ask if we'll have to put on an English accent. I'm told no. "Fuckin' aye!" I mutter under my breath. Everyone laughs. 


Tony Ruda had a bunch of CDs I wanted to put on cassette tape. I dig through my old equipment and I can't find any blank tapes. He explained that he had two full-length CDs and a fifteen-minute one that should be on its own tape. 


I'm at an ad agency where I almost kiss Jane Beadle. I'm listening to a bunch of ad nonsense. 

Paul Keller is going to punish various people for wearing his clothes. I'm wearing a pair of brown pants Bess gave to me. 



I'm at customs at the airport. I lost my passport and I get separated from Joe and the kids. I keep walking around asking for directions and no one can tell me where to go. 

I'm at Carnegie Hall The concert starts and again I lose Joe. I wander around and it looks like Sommerset Mall with a bunch of shops. 

I'm at a party at Dave Latcha's house. I'm drinking small German beers with gold foil around the tops. They're poured into small beer mugs. 



I was with Tonemeister in Chicago. He was talking about how the old neighborhoods were getting gentrified and it was too expensive to live there. And how they lost al their charm. I said he same thing is happening in Detroit. 



I walk around GPF with Tony Sertich. All the mansions are gone and there are only small houses. Tom is tossing a softball around. He's going to play in a game. Then we run into a woman who knows Bess. She has a company that sells craft kits. She's going to use the name Lucy Makres. 


Brian dickenson’s is going to lend me his synthesizer. He asks me what I can play and I tell him nothing. I tell him I invented a genre mixing black and techno. I call it Blechno! I walk around the restaurant and I see a couple who have some kittens sitting in a basket of fries. 

I'm going on a trip and I emptied the entire closet into a suitcase. 


I had a  series about Vicky Ender. The first was at the drug store. Then we were at a party at her house. Then she was going to move to the inner city because her house burnt down. She was moving into a new housing project.  


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...