Saturday, October 30, 2021


I drive downtown from Dearborn with two guys. The guy who looks like David Detloff parks the car. We go into an antique store and I notice some cool typewriters that I think would be great to paint. They're only $35. The owner shows me a special old one that looks like it's made of ivory and it has roses painted on it. It's priced $330 and before he puts it back I ask if I can take a reference photo of and and he says no. We walk around the story because he's looking for some cameras to show me. The two guys have to get back to Dearborn suddenly so I tell them I'll pay for an Uber but I'm not going to drive them. The area looks like the North side of Chicago and the road is curved. Lots of stores and apartment buildings. I start looking for the lot with my car and realized since someone else parked the car, he probably has my parking ticket.




 park my car in front of the Renaissance Center. When I come back out they've put up a NO PARKING sign in front of my car and the windshield is full of tickets. They're tearing down the berms and there's a pile of rubble all around my car. I argue with a cop about his ridiculous it is. 


We take our cat Lizzie over to the Kay's house. They're having a party and everyone brought their cats. Lizzie starts acting real Alpha and gets into some fights. Then a little cat that's striped like a tiger attacks Lizzie and we decide to eave because it's too dangerous for her.  


 I pull into work and the parking lot is empty. They're shooting a commercial in it so I go inside. There's a huge Indian buffet set up and I start filling a wooden plate full of food. 

I'm in an office and an earthquake hits and then a rainstorm. It's moving cars around and I go outside and can't find my car. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021


I'm on a bus with Jeff. I walk past Marie Every only I don't notice her. She's pissed and goes to the back of the bus. I apologize to her and introduce her to Jeff. I tell her he's my blood brother and one of my oldest friends. 

A bunch of CCS alumni show up at our apartment on Woodhall They bring all their kids and take over the place. I go into the bedroom to use the bathroom and there are a bunch of kids sleeping on our bed. 

I put some medicine on my toes. A couple of them have scabs on them. I look c closely at them and notice a curly bug coming out of the toe. I'm in shock. My toes feel funny and when I squeeze them one bug after another comes out. There's lie and blood on the flor and one of the bugs is several inches long. 

I'm at my dad's office and Bernie is working on my teeth. My dad walks in and comments tha he notices I've been to Mindy's restaurant. He says we'll have to go there for dinner sometime. 


Joe and I are sitting in a sandwich shop on Cass Ave. We're commenting on the Chinese restaurant across the street. It used to be called the Golden Chopsticks and now it's just called Golden. Ann was there before us and already ordered for us. I worry that she ordered a burger for me, because I'm not big on eating beef. The sandwich arrives and it's a bacon and cheese sandwich, which I'm okay with. 


I'm at South H.S. wandering around. They're giving out free pan pizzas, you just need a wrist band to get one. I go into a classroom and Randy Latocki is there. I put down my stuff and go get a pizza. 

I ride my bike around Waterworks Park. I have to go through a turnstile to get in. There are a bunch of kids playing on the playground equipment. Then I'm in the Lincoln driving home down Jefferson. I get into a tight spot and have to do a three point turn to turn around. The front end goes up on a ramp. When I put the car in reverse the front end crashes and th wheels fall off. The the car starts falling apart. It's next to a repair shop that demos cars. A guy comes out and smashes the hood with a huge pipe wrench. We start talking about repairing the car and I call Joe and tell her to come and pick me up. 


I'm at a big Christmas cookie baking party. We have orders for thousands of them. 

I'm at some apartment complex at a party(?) I go to use the bathroom When I flush the toilet it starts flooding and there's about a foot of water in the bathroom. I get a punter and use it and the water goes down. Some guy tells me he poured sand/dirt into the drain hole and that it should help. 

Saturday, October 9, 2021


I find a big plastic bin of t-shirts. I open it up and it smells from the basement flood we had. 


I'm going to work with a young girl doing a bunch of Buddhist exercises. I have a bunch of papers (routines) and I pick out ten of them. When I look closer at one of them, the excursive follows some kind of major feat like going on a 30-mile hike. There's a map of the trail on the page. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021



I wander around Venice and all kinds of crazy stuff happens to me. I end up back in my hotel room. A young woman is in the room and I think she's trying to rip me off. I find out she's actually in love with me and we hug. 

I'm in a painting competition at CCS. We have a set amount of time to complete our paintings. Everyone is painting in an Impressionist style. I'm about half done with mine and I wander around the huge space to check out the competition. My dad and Paul are also participating. When I get back to where I was working, I discover my painting's missing. I hear a rumor someone has stolen several paintings. An announcer starts giving out the awards when I wake up. 


I'm on a boat on Lake St. Clair and a huge storm hits. The waves are 40 to 50 feet high but I make it through okay Then it's perfectly calm and I hear (say?) "I'd rather be here than anyplace else in the world." Then I'm in a mansion and a senator is shooting a commercial. 

Sunday, October 3, 2021



I'm working at an ad agency downtown. I come up with a great idea for a Saran Wrap commercial. It involves using it in a car to partition the interior down the middle. I tell my boss that we should come up with commercials for a number of companies that aren't on our client roster and pitch them. That way we could get some new business. He tells me that it won't work and would be a waste of time. I hp on my bike and am going to bike home. I have to pee and look around for a public bathroom. 


There's a hole in the basement and it's full of water. I take a plunger to it only nothing happens except pieces of the floor start to crumble. Finally I stick it in at an angle and the water starts to go down. 


I'm at a family gathering. I'm pretty quiet and hanging out by myself. My Mother-In-Law gives me a hard time for not being more social. I tell her that since I quit drinking I'm a bit more anti-social. 

I'm at a party and I'm getting ready to leave. I go into the bathroom and there's an empty case of beer on the toilet. I pee on it. Then I realize I shouldn't have done it and rinse it off and empty the cooky sheet below it. 


I'm working in an office and I run into someone I used to work with--Liz Flood. I'm totally infatuated with her and I ask her if she'd like to go out with me. 


It's nighttime. I toss a grenade over our back fence and it makes this huge explosion. I run inside and then I think to myself, "How stupid is that? How is my neighbor NOT going to know it was me?!"  


I'm in some guys house and he's demoing the second floor to open up some space. I'm trying to convince him to ad a third story. 

I'm picking through some asparagus and it' all white and pale yellow.  


I'm at a party. We're going to go out to dinner with another couple and I'm looking for a shirt to wear. I look in the closet for a nice long-sleeve one and there are tons of shirts there. There are also a bunch of boxes of stereoptic slide and a few of them fall down. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...