Sunday, January 21, 2024


I work for the FBI. We're part of an operation. Other agents come in and attack us. I was going to make a call and report it but realize they're going to wipe us out. So I walk into a crowd of people and try to blend in. 


Marna & John treat us to a weekend at a luxury hotel. It's ten stories underground. Our rooms a huge and is decorated with furniture that has zebra stripes on it. The bellhop shows us that with the press of a button, the deco can totally change. 


I get into a big fight with my dad. He was stying near Eastland. Then I went to the parking lot at Eastland to find his car. It was a big old Chrysler and I couldn't find it anywhere I was going to report it stolen. 

I'm at GP South and miss the first day of school. I'm going to meet with Ms. Castile for the schedule. 


 I invent an atomic weapon that uses gas from lightbulbs. I'm trying to sneak it out of the country.

I'm in a cookie shop getting free samples. I load up a plate, then I get a box and when the owner isn't looking I load a ton of cookies into it. I also sneak two huge shortbread cookies that are shaped like fish. 


We were living in an upper flat. It was just after Christmas and a lot of the needles had fallen off the tree. We were going to hav company so I swept up the living room floor. There were tons of branches on the floor with ribbons and balls of chocolate on them. I filled a big garbage bag with the needles. Then I read something about the development to a popular TV show and I was mentioned as coming up with the idea of the show. I was super thrilled and was going to tell our guests about it. 


I was attending my 50th high school class reunion. It was being held at several locations downtown. I was having a horrible time. I kept trying to catch up with Jeannie Dolson. I  didn't really know anyone there. 

I'm on the organizing committee for our class reunion. As we walk to the meeting place I run into Jim Wilson. He tells me about getting his doctorate from U of M. He lives in Indiana, 1:45 drive to A2 where he works. At the hall we sit down Someone in my row asks me if I own a horse because he can feel the "wind" from it at his house.  

Tuesday, January 9, 2024


Jim lends me his car. It's super high tech from a company I've never heard of. I drive downtown for work and I park it on the street just east of Woodward. After work I wander around looking for it. There are a ton of people around and there's some sort of event going on. I see a ton of folding chairs set up on Woodward. I ask a woman if she can help me find the car. The keys to the car is a black device that looks a bit like an iPhone. She presses a button and a map appears and the car's on it. She tells my how to get to the car. All I can remember is it's near a store that's filled with red and blue balloons. 


This doesn't make much sense but here goes nothing. I park my bike at Fisher and GP Boulevard. I'm supposed to make a delivery but no one's home. So I get on a bus with a bunch of other delivery people. It's a waste of time. They didn't make any money and they could have just dropped me off at my bike. 

I'm on a bus with my singing partner. I'm wondering if we're supposed to sing a duet.

I'm looking at a plan of Eastland and I'm pointing out where Hudsons used to be. 


I don't have my phone with me so I ask to borrow Joe's. I take a photo of some flowers and it turns out amazing. I tell myself that I need to get a new phone. 


I'm downtown in a rehearsal hall on Jefferson. I'm sitting in with an amazing local jazz orchestra. There are a ton of empty seats and the musicians keep showing up. It's an incredible jam session. 

`I'm in Cleveland. A woman who works for the Cleveland Orchestra shows me around the hall. There's a baton shaped depression in the ground. And there's a showcase with memorabilia with a bunch of stuff from George Szell's son. We go into the woman cubicle. There's a woman in the cube next to hers and she says she always has to work on Saturdays. 


I'm in a Japanese restaurant with John and Miriam. The waiter brings me a bottle that's half beer and half water. I tell him if they do a random drug test on me it'll come out positive. I ask him to bring me some water. 


I'm in the Renaissance Center with the kids. I run into Jude Stewart and some of her friends. I mention the Belle Isle Tour and they think I'm inviting them. I'm waiting for the kids to finish shopping to do the tour with them. The place is packed with people. 


I'm at someone's house and I meet Alvin Lee. I tell him how much the song "I'm going Home" from Woodstock meant to me and he starts puddling up as bit. I ask him if he's still writing songs and he says yes. 



I'm at school. There's a bus thereto take the kids on a field trip only I'm not going with them. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...