Wednesday, August 23, 2023


We were at a cottage that was a bit like the O'hare's place. I went into the kitchen and a bunch of folks were preparing food. It was a total meet fest. They were cooking sausages, whole chickens and other meat items. I was a little grossed out since I'm somewhat of a vegetarian. I was trying to figure out what I could eat. Then I went outside and there was a shallow lake and I went for a swim 


I'm watching sone sports on tv. It's an event where two couples do an ice skating routine together. One team does an amazing job and they keep dealing announcing with winning team. 


Donald tRump is leading a bunch of us in some Tai Chi. We're outside on the corner of Rivard and Waterloo. We put our arms out and our thumbs down. Then we walk over the Washington and head towards Kercheval. He isn't doing the Tai Chi and we all yell at him and make fun of him. Then we're at an ice cream shop and he says we can each have two scoops. There are a bunch of flavors and when I scoop some into my cone, it breaks. When he asks what kind it is he's told it's Hagen Daz. He say, "Imagine they came all the way here to Detroit!" Then he starts acting crazy.  



I'm in the Renaissance Center. I accidentally get on an express elevator and hop off before the doors close. Then I go up to the 9th floor. It's an open workspace. I'm being let go my Belitsos. I haven't actually done any work in ages. We're trying to work out my severance pay and he asks me how long I've had people under me and I say about 1/3 of my career. 


I'm hanging out with Andy and Deb. Andy's real drunk and is acting like a total asshole. 

I'm going to go trick or treating with some kids. Someone gives Lisa Repicky a big box of cereal. 



I'm visiting a couple of English actors--Colin Firth and Emma Thompson? We were going to ski home. I'm with my brother Paul and a friend of his He puts his backpack and short skis on.  We decide to go to Paul's friends in either Oxford or Lake Orion so we take separate Lyfts.  


I'm hiking around Point Peelee and I'm knee deep in mud. It was freezing. There were a bunch of one-person warming shacks. I was going to go into my car and blast the heater. Several people were going to join me. 



I was going to go out on Howie's boat. Then Kevin showed up and he was going out as well. The two of them shouted "Drinking!" and I pretended I wasn't feeling well and would pass. 

I was traveling across the country. I stopped to get something to eat. I bit into a hamburger and was totally grossed out by it. 

There was an eggplant tree on our front porch with a ton of skinny, striped eggplants on it. Joe came home and I asked her why she bought eggplants at the market when we have so many trowing on our tree. 


I was headed to school and decided to walk I was going to go across 8 Mile Road. I swam part of the way and then I decided to skip school. I had a hard time getting back home because there were a bunch of stores I had to go through. 

Wednesday, August 9, 2023


I'm staying at a country manor in England. I'm wearing an old pair of jeans and the rivets which are about an inch long keep falling out. One comes out at the bottom of the front pocket. There are a bunch of chocolate chip cookies which I gather up and hide in a drawer with some other cookies. A butler comes into my room and tells me it's time to go to dinner. I wonder if I'm dressed up enough and he says there's a change in venues and I'm fine. I look out the window and see several guys including my host down below in the garden. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Someone who looked like Leo works down the hall from me. He's going to copy the Poi Dog Pondering album for me. The names of the songs are written on pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I'm looking for a flash drive for him to use. I keep hearing the son "Catacomb" over and over. It's associated with some girl I'm madly in love with.  

I'm walking home from some northern suburb and I'm holding a plate of food. When I walk into an old, fancy hotel I drop a bunch of lettuce. I pick up a bunch of it and throw it out the window. When I go outside there's a fireman and I have to walk over the firehose 


I run onto Wally at a grocery store. At first he pretends he doesn't see me. Then we shake hands and talk. He mentions someone he's going to see at the Jazz Fest. Then we're in a restaurant and he orders some fancy French entree, After dinner I go up to the cashier and try to pay. I hand them my credit card and D.L. I keep waiting for them to process my payment. I wait for over an hour and nothing happens. Finally I start shouting. Then it's the next morning and they still haven't rung me up! 

I'm in a big gym. I'm doing this exercize where you hop on one leg four times. Then you switch legs and hop on that one four times. I do this while hopping around the gym. 


I walk into Paul Kerber's house and sit down and start eating. He comes into the room and greets me with an awkward handshake. Diana is in the kitchen preparing a pasta dish with bacon. 


What an incredible dream this was! I rode my bike to Kercheval and Moross. There was a portal to a different world that looked like somewhere in Scandinavia. There was a wooden house and it was out in the country. I took some pix with my watch. Then I followed some people further in. The parents spoke Norwegian (?)  and their daughter spoke English. We waded into some shallow water and I was careful not to get my watch wet. There were some beautiful mountains in the background. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023


I went to a Wagner opera. The performance was so amazing it brought me to tears. After it was over I met the lead tenor who was standing by himself back stage. I went u to him and told him how much I enjoyed his performance. He looked a lot like Stephan Fry. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...