Sunday, August 7, 2022


I'm in Manhattan--there's one huge building that goes the whole length of the island. I walk around and somehow exit the building. I'm across the river in a huge train yard. There are a bunch of hobos wander around. I try to get back into thee building. There are several security guards at the entrance and I walk past them. One of the main passageways is 5th Avenue. 

I've been shopping at several Chevy dealerships. For some reason I badmouth them. Word gets around and now they're all openly hostile to me and I'm not welcome there. I finally go to one where they don't know about me. The have a department that sells used golf clubs. I pick out a 9 iron that ha a white plastic coated head on it. I take a few practice swings with it and decide to buy it. It's only $9.50. 


I'm trying to remember the name of a Jefferson Airplane song. I'm humming the melody and do a search on the internet for it. 

I'm in the dorm of some kind of camp (rehab?). I'm there for two weeks and I'm supposed to take riding lessons the second week. I mention that I want to cancel them. Usually they bring the horses to the camp but I have to drive to where the horses are kept--it's somewhere in Northeast Michigan. While driving there some guy is giving me a lecture about the horse and riding lessons.  

Friday, August 5, 2022


Emily Schwess. wrote a spoof on The Hobbit using the alias KEY JOI (JOY?). She did it secretly and no one knows she did it. I own a copy and I ask her if she'll autograph my copy of the book. 

I'm in a bar and thinking about ordering a burger. A waitress delivers a big basket with a burger and fries to me. There's another burger on top. I tell her I didn't order it and someone tells me to just eat it!

Thursday, August 4, 2022


I have a bunch of cash. Not sure where it came from but I'm dividing it up for me, Paul, and David. There are several fifty-dollar bills and I make three piles of money.

I ride a motorcycle downtown. I go into the Renaissance Center to park it. The structure is real confusing and I have trouble figuring out where to park. 

I'm with my Aunt Mary Jane in the cafeteria at Marygrove College. She's living at St. Paul's in the convent there and we discuss what a great location it is, being next to the lake and across from the huge field at the GP Academy. She gets up and leaves me with a few couples who are middle aged. I ask them what they're doing there and they tell me they're seniors at the school. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


We live below Jefferson in Detroit. I'm outside and there's some snow on the ground but it's starting to melt. I find a snow ski and hop on it and slide down the sidewalk. I go over to the neighbors house an pick up a shovel I find on the front lawn. There's a black maid in the window and I tell her it's okay, I'm a friend of Rick's (Anzinger). I shovel some snow onto the sidewalk. Then I fill up a bushel basket with snow and put it on the sidewalk. There's another couple there and we hang out and chat. Then the guy walks home (around the bloc). The woman is an attractive blonde and she ask me if there's a temple around the neighborhood. Then I tell her we should exchange names and phone numbers. It's looks like we're destined to become lifelong friends and why put off the inevitable. 


I'm in a police or fire station. There's some huge battle going on outside. It's like some post apocalyptic scene. I'm going to run out and jump into a vehicle and drive to the west side of Detroit. There's a discussion going on about what areas are safe and what roads are okay to travel on. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...