A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Friday, August 28, 2020
1. I'm with Peter Dodge and a bunch of caterers have set up tables with samples of their wares--mainly baked goods. The two of us sample a bunch of the various desserts.
2. I'm inside the atrium of Cobo Hall. There are these individual elevators that are like small white chairs. I hop on one and it makes a couple stops on the way up to the ceiling. Then it shuts down for the day and I yell to have someone start it up again so I can get back down to the ground level.
I'm at a party and I'm telling an older couple how well I've done on the stock market. I tell them in great deal about how much I started with and how much it's now worth.
I'm on a train and I'm supposed to keep an eye on a kid. When I get off I go the the gents to wash my hands. Then I'm in a bookstore and there are a pile of big, beautifully printed books full of nature/travel photos.
1. I go to an event with Joe. It was BYO and I ended up drinking one beer. I ws going to call the beer store and ask them if any NA beer actually tasted like beer. My phone was like a billfold.
2. I'm at the jazz festival downtown. There were small sections that were pay venues in an alley, and a larger free section that was in an open field. People were social distancing and were all at least six feet apart. I was going to play with the band which was a guitar duo.
3. I'm setting a trap for some hunters. It looked like Lizzie so I had to find some other bait.
1. The Tonemeister shows up drunk at out house. He starts into me asking personal questions. I tell him that I haven't sen him in probably 10 years and he's really getting into me. I tell him to back off.
2. I take Lizzie and Schmengie to a party. It's packed with rich Jewish people. We decide to leave and I look for the car.
3. I'm in a car with Hannah and we're driving around the WSU campus looking for some cheap parking.
Monday, August 17, 2020
1. I'm eating at a Greek diner with my dad and Dorian. My dad sits next to Dorian and makes a pass at her and I look the other way and ignore it.
2. I'm with my Polish Dzjadzi and I'm walking him home from some event. We go into his apartment building and get into an elevator to go up to his floor. He suddenly is about a foot or two taller that he was. At one point I notice that I can float a couple inches off the floor of the elevator.
1. I'm in a ba/restaurant in a shopping mall in Troy, Michigan. I sit at the bar and order lunch. The guy next to me has a cocktail and eats his lunch. Finally, I get up to leave. I tell the waitress I've been waiting for over two hours and my lunch still hasn't come. So I walk out, thinking she'll bring me my lunch and say it's on the house. That doesn't happen. I end up in a food court. There's a restaurant that has all kinds of sandwiches on display and I order some kind of wrap.
2. I'm cooking up some hash browns for Mike Belitsos and someone pours a bunch of runny eggs in the pan, which really pisses me off. Then we're outside. He's rolled his station wagon on its side and we're supposed to rub it into the ground to scratch it up. Some judge has ruled the he owes a bunch of money on it and he's trying to make it look like it's a piece of junk to lower his payments.
1. I'm in Sweden working on a project to help with SAAB sales. All the dealers are up in arms about it.
2. I'm in Sweden or Switzerland with Sharon Malone. We're high up on a cliff. We take a bunch of switchbacks to get down to the bottom. There are a bunch of super high-end stores there and she runs into some old friends there. Then we look for a place to stay. We check the rates at a hotel and its 500 Euros a night. So we look for a youth hostel and it's several flights of stairs up.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
I'm back in high school and it's the first day of class. A teacher walks into our homeroom. He's hip looking and has long hair. He tells us he's the new principal. A song plays over the speaker and he mentions that he wrote the song. That evening there's a protest for Indian rights at the library. He shows up dressed like a cowboy. We paired up with an older couple and the woman mentions that he must be from out west. "Nope," he says. "Grosse Pointer, born and raised.
This is a long and involved dream. It centers around spending the weekend with Marcy, an old girlfriend. We're going to spend the weekend with her. We're in a bedroom and we're trying to work out the sleeping arrangements. Then we're driving along the Long Island shore and all the houses are small ranch homes. I'm surprised since they have this incredible view of the ocean. Then we're in a restaurant and Marcy complains that all the diners are on their phones.
1. I'm at a wedding and I realize that I'm not properly dressed so I drive home to change clothes. The dream shifts to Stew who keeps getting different jobs at Ross Roy Advertising and each time he changes his name.
2. I'm in a bar and a 70's cover band is playing. I explain how much I hate music from the late 60s and early 70s.
3. Wally and I visit Bob Packlaian. We both have rifles and Bob gets paranoid and gets a rifle. I keep trying to explain to him that we're not going to shoot him.
1. We're in the car and Nick's driving us to work. We're downtown and traffic is real slow. I'm in the back seat working on a painting.
2. I'm back at D'Arcy and people are being shuffled around.
3. I'm at some kind of awards dinner. Marge walks by and I call out to her. She looks around for me but doesn't recognize me. Eventually she figures out who I am and I see a tear coming down her cheek, because she's sad I look so old. I also see Evie there.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
1. I'm at Sarah & Alex's and we're working on a project. We have a bunch of books of photos and I'm cutting them to to make a collage. In the corner of some of the photos, there's a dollar bill paper clipped to it. Then a whole bunch of their friends arrive.
2. It's the last day of our vacation and I remember that I wanted to take some photos of barns to paint. I see a couple of barns with real character and photograph them. I'm glad I'll have time to take a bunch more.
3. Diana and I are in the back seat of Nick's car. He's driving us to work and traffic downtown is real slow. Finally, he gets impatient and guns it. I'm working on a painting and the brush handle gets some paint on it.
Saturday, August 1, 2020
I'm in our tv room with our cat Lizzie. We're playing around with a mini basketball kicking it back and forth and once in a while, she spring straight up in the air.
1. I'm in some sort of gym and I'm showing Jim Wilson how to use the rowing machine.
2. There's a scene what a black car and a white Lincoln Town Car are playing cat and mouse. I think at least one car is being driven by some mobsters. We end up at a construction site where a large building is about to be blown up.
3. Someone brings out a try with a bunch of peas on it. The a philosophical question is raised. How many peas are enough peas.
1. I'm on Harson's Island only it's slightly downriver with great views of Detroit Im thinking maybe we should buy a house there. I go into a local bar, which is pretty rustic. I sit down in a booth and notice the menu is stapled to the back of the booth and features mainly Mexican food. Peter and Patty Dodge own some property on the island.
2. I'm touring an old Dodge factory. It huge and mostly empty. There's a massive AC unit that's sliding along one of the walls.
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I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...