Monday, February 26, 2024


Randy Latocki is working above Einstein's in the Village. He shows me around the place. I print out a project and the paper is wet. While waiting for it to dry, Joey shows up with Bill & Sue. 


Paula Bartoszewicz owns a convenience store on Mark where the old Arco station was. I go in to buy a few things and Kent walks in. I was going to buy a few licorice sticks only there were really expensive so I put them back. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024


Eric and Letitia let us use their hotel room because they were going on a vacation. They leave ad I thank them. Eric finishes off a bottle of vodka. Letitia is hammered. 

I'm at Y&R and I notice I have some white mushrooms growing out of my fingernails. Carol Cainstraight says I should go down to the drug store and get something for it. They keep getting bigger. I get on the elevator and hide y hands behind my back. 


I have Kim Headbloom's stock certificate in my office and I keep forgetting to give it to her. She picks me up  in her car and also her kids at St. Pauls and we drive around. She says she'll call me and remind me. Then she drops me off. 


I'm on a huge cruise ship. I start exploring it. Then decide to walk around to get some exercise.

I'm in front of our house on Rivard. Fred Stafford is there and we're having a brainstorming session trying to come up with a clever name for a boxing match. 



I'm getting ready to leave for Iceland. I have a golfball with JFDR's name on it. I ask her to autograph it. 


Staying at Maurya's parent's house. I needed to take a shower. She has a huge suite with 2 bathrooms, one shower and one tub. Kathus was there and she wanted to go first. I joked that she was going to take a one hour shower! I hop on her bed. 



I'm in a video game store. the guy I'm with is buying three games. I find one that's out of date and I put it in m pocket to steal. After buying his games, the clerk holds out his hand and I give hi the game. He tears off the wrapping and hands it to me for free. 

Sunday, February 4, 2024


I'm at a jazz concert. I have my old Zildjian symbol with me. I start tapping on it with my fingernail to the time of the music. The drummer keeps stopping the music and tells me to be quiet. I try to explain that I'm tapping quietly.

I'm on Mack in St. Clair Shoes and I'm mixing gin & tonics for people I notice one of the lemons has the skin missing and someone mentions that he was saving it for someone. 

I'm on GP Blvd and I'm cooking a steak for Joe and my dad. It's a big hunk of meat and there are a ton of fatty parts on it. My dad tells me I can cut out pieces of fat and cook those separately and serve them as a side dish. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024


I'm in the hallway of an office. I see Bob Packlaian and ewe discuss the proper way to pronounce Lapis Lazuli. 


We were volunteering to set up for a wedding. Rachael (from Joe's work) and a blond guy were helping us. We pu knives, forks, and spoons on the wall (magnets?). Then we sat down and were served small plates of appetizers. They were strange looking and we couldn't figure out what they were. I think we were at the Detroit Boat Club. 


I'm in my cube at work (C-E?) and a Chevy exec walks in. He wants to see my paintings. He really likes them and he wants me to paint all the Chevys and is going to use them for all the year's advertising. I tell him maybe I should start with three cars and see how he likes them. 


I go to a mall to buy a new computer for work. There used to be a huge computer store only it's gone. We look on the store directory but there aren't any computer stores. The guy I'm with drifts off and I can't find him. I look all over. Finally I use the key fob to make the car light up so I can find the car. I go from lot to lot. Eventually I find the car and the guys shows up. 


My dad is staying in Windsor. I visit his apartment It's an assisted living place. 

Going to be in a musical at Masonic Temple. I'm nervous because I don't my lines. The day of the performance people are filling the place up and I cancel. A wan comes up to me screaming and I explain to her why I cancelled. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...