Wednesday, May 31, 2023



I was hanging out with my friends Andy & Deb. We went to our Albanian neighbor's house and they were serving dinner. It was some sort of stew they were serving over rice. They gave me a huge bowl of it and I ended up putting some of it back. Then I walked home only it was my childhood home. Instead of being red brick it was a white, wooden home. I knew it didn't look right but I sort of realized I was dreaming as I walked up the driveway. 

Saturday, May 6, 2023


I'm with Jeff and couple of guys. We're driving up north and are heading to someplace on the east coast--either in the thumb or near Bay City. There are some historic sailing vessels there We tried once before but got off at the wrong exit. (This was in a dream I had earlier.) We get off I-75 and end up in a small quaint town that looks a little bit like Utica. We walk through a small river. The rest of the dream is a bit fuzzy. 

Friday, May 5, 2023


I'm helping set up for a formal dinner party. In the kitchen with the hostess, we check the pork chops. There are several trays of them in the oven. When they're cooked we're going to broil some of them. The hostess checks the temperature of one of them and I tell her the best way to check is to cut into them. She does and it's pretty bloody. I tell her they'll keep cooking when you take them out. I'm wearing some ratty clothes. I go into my room to change There's a dressy plaid shirt and some nice kaki pants on a hanger. I change into them before the guests arrive. 

Thursday, May 4, 2023


I'm back at Y&R after a holiday break. (Easter?) I wander around looking for some familiar faces. I'm trying to find Belitsos to find out if I even still work there or not. 


I'm thinking about going back to school and getting another degree. There's a Marygrove campus downtown. I think maybe I can get a combo degree of literature and art history. I'll be 70 in a few years. What would I do with another degree? Teach? I talk to a couple of pretty young students. One is wearing a short skirt. Hannah tells me there's a hip area on West Jefferson. It has a lot of colorful Mexican looking buildings. Then I walk up Woodward and join Joe who's having dinner with Ron and Maureen. 


I go to  Santana/McGlaughlin concert with Hannah. After the show we get in line to go backstage Then we sneak in. There are several tables set up only the musicians have already left. There are a couple of the sound guys sitting behind their mixing boards. I use the bathroom at the cafeteria. I accidentally use the women's bathroom and a couple of the cleaning women chuckle about it. 


I'm out west and I stopped in to a park rangers office. They have some rolled up records of my mom's art shows. I call my dad and tell him about it. Then the rubber band holding it together breaks. I tie it up with some string. There are some rate snakes on the ground along with some skin that they noted out of. One snake follows me around. 



I have a new phone. It's crystal clear and I have a hard time taking a photo with it. 

I'm getting ready to go to a wedding. I'm not sure what to wear. It's an Arabic wedding and is going to take place over several days. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...