Friday, February 3, 2023


We meet Mike Fikany for dinner.

I'm at the gas station at Mack and Rivard and hear the music of Karsh Kale playing. The station is closed for lunch. Then later I talk to the workers and they'e big fans of his and we discuss his music. 

I'm at a Tigers game. Willy Horton hit a home run that's a line shot to center field. It's lands in a booth where a woman is sitting a a desk. He goes out to get the ball. It's pretty dirty and he wipes it off and autographs it. Then he hands it to the woman and the whole crowd gives him a standing ovation. It's quite an emotional moment. 


I'm on a driving trip in Nova Scotia. I look at a map and decide there's too much to cover in one day. And there are small roads. We stop in at someones house. The Hawk brings out Cindy Naughten and says: "Look who I found!" 


After swimming laps I get out of the pool and my vision is back to normal.

We're taking delivery of a white Honda pickup truck. There's an apparatus on the front and back door the opens a plastic packet of coffee. The front one doesn't work but the back one does. We tell the dealer and they're going to order a new one. 



Jeff and I are painting his cousin's house. He's on the phone and we're done almost no work. The we start ripping the wallpaper down. 

I get paid--a whole bunch of $100 bills. The woman gives me some extra money. ]I go over to Amy's. I go in the basement and fill a bowl of nacho chips. The I go upstairs and see Kathus, Amos, and her sisters. They're all in pajamas. I hug them. They're all hungover and we discuss what they're going to drink. 


I go into a Starbucks. They've changed to bags of French Roast and German coffees--They have clear bags with grapes in the mix. Then they throw out all the coffee because they're going to stock it with new stuff.  

I'm cutting the lawn on 'Rivard. Mrs. Anzinger is working on her yard. She's drunk and has a glass of bourbon in her hand. I ask her if she wants me to mow a narrow strip of her lawn. I accidentally knock over a huge tray of plants. 



I'm at someone's cottage with Paul and Dad. I'm looking for something to wear to a funeral.  

I'm working at Wunderman. Andy's there and we're having trouble finding the elevator. There's a whole bank of doors. Then we walk across th street to the Renaissance Center to get lunch at McDonalds. 


I'm at Eastern Market in a wholesale store. There are piles of baked goods. A guy is walking around with stacks of goods for sale. I run into Dave Still and he looks the same as he did in high school. I say to him, "I heard you're living in your parent's old house." 


I'm at a sidewalk cafe on Mack in the Park. I walk to the gas station on Rivard and Mack with a Japanese couple. The woman wants a beer. There are tables set up outside surrounded by a fence. We go inside to look for a beer. It's in a crate way up high. 


I'm with Zubes Someone has created a two-piece sculpture in a hole in the ground. One part of it is Jesus's face made out of blocks I try to film it with our old video camera and the keys keep falling off. 

Pounder and I are ding a gig of goofy Ukrainian songs. I think he's kidding but we meet at a motel in Upstate New York. He has his drums set up. We were going to do a morning and evening gig. He cancels the morning gig so we can rehearse. He brought a keyboard for me. Then he shows e the buffet he's arranged--it's all Ukrainian food. Sarah and Hannah are there. Sarge shows up and I introduce her to Pounder. 


I'm hanging out at Mike Belitsos's house in Flint. I'm looking for my wallet so I can drive home. He tells me to look out for his brother who's sort of crazy. He's shorter with long blond hair. I wake mike up. There are two wallets on his dresser Both are his. Then I find my wallet. It looks like my credit cards are missing--they're in the back of the wallet. 


I'm walking home from school with Zubes. We live on Rivard and there's a cross street between Rivard and University. I didn't know it existed growing up. It's occurred in my dreams before. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...