Monday, December 27, 2021


 Joe and Hanskaya are hanging around to patio having a natter and drinking. I go to bed early. The next day, we get into an argument--Joe's pissed that I bailed. I tell her that it's hard to hang out with drinkers and it's easier to stay sober if I avoid situations like this. 

I'm discussing what SMART recovery is all about to someone. 


Lisa from Latcha hands out the Beatles "Magical Mystery Tour" albums. They've reissued it and the album cover is made out of cheap, thin cardboard. Then I'm hanging out with Paul McCartney in a recording studio. I start kidding him about some of his lyrics being lame, and he goes along with it. I can't believe I'm joking around with Paul!!!


I run into Greg Marsh and I give him a big hug. I tell him how much fun it is producing commercials. I end up spending the whole day out of the office. Then I'm in an indoor tennis court and the two rackets I have are broken. It's only 7:30 and I need to go over to the recording studio for a bit.  


I sell all my art at an art fair. Then I run into Ed Berger and I get his email address. 

Jim Hood helps me carry a heavy space heater up some stairs. 


I'm at an agency with President Obama and we're discussing commercials. His face gets red and yellow powder on it. I finally bolt and run downstairs. 

I'm on the phone with Pounder and we're discussing printers. 

Out kitchen faucet is leaking. I keep jiggling it and turning it off and on to make it stop dripping. Finally, it's almost turned off and I give up. 

I sit down to dinner and then realized I forgot to call John Batten. I have this big phone and call. Libby tries to call too. Then we pretend we're blind and feel each other's faces. We're laughing our heads off. 


 I'm walking around the offices at D'Arcy which is in the Renaissance Center. The offices are state-of-the-art and filled with expensive decorations and equipment. I can't figure out how this can be since they agency only has a few, tiny accounts. I go into the lunchroom which has an extravagant buffet. There are one pound breaded shrimp. 


I run into Wally and we get along great. I invite him over for dinner and I make a big pot of soup. He brings a big fennel bulb. I chop it up and put it into the soup which makes it real anise-flavored. I invite a few Domins over and the whole family shows up. They bring a ton of food. My dad and Dziadzi are there. I tell everyone they have to leave in a couple hours, and right on queue, everyone cleans up the place and leaves. 

I try to get into downtown but the whole area has been blocked off by the police. I walk through the area and the president of China is sitting in the front row of some theatre seats. I grab a huge pile of burger meat and compact it into a bowl. I take it home and am going to make meatballs with it. 

Sunday, December 5, 2021


I'm riding my bike near Alter road between Mack and Warren. The road is all snowy. I spot an old family fish store in the middle of the neighborhood. I go in and buy some fish. They have lobster for $10/39 apiece. When I go outside I discover my bike's been stolen. I try to take a cool picture of the interesting looking doorway. 

I'm raking the leaves off our front lawn. 


I run into Dan Jensen at the police station. I congratulate him on retiring. We shake hands awkwardly and I tell him to give me a call if he needs any writing help with his resume. 

I'm rinsing a bunch of big mushrooms to prep them for chopping. I notice they shrink into tiny mushrooms and I'm wondering if they're falling off the edge of the table. 

I'm shaving and accidentally shave the hairs in the middle of my chin. It's looks real goofy but I decide I'll leave it that way for laughs. 


I'm at a cheese tasting. I mistakenly think they call my name but it's actually another Mark. Then they tell me I can't compete in the tasting competition since I'm a food critic. I ask if I can just taste the cheeses. There's a huge spread with a ton of cheeses. 



I'm visiting Pounder and his beautiful girlfriend comes over. She brings a friend who wants to sleep with me. She keeps trying to seduce me but I tell her I'm married. There are two twin beds and when I get into one, she tries to get in beside me but I kick her out. In the morning I tell them I'd like to visit the art museum (The Royal Ontario Museum?!?!). Pounder says admission is $100 but I say that's fine since we're here. 


I was in the Air Force. I'm on a bombing raid somewhere--I can see some WWII reenactments and a pilot falls out of the cockpit, but he hangs on to the plane and climbs back in. When I get home, Joann Tomaszewski is making food for a big party. 


I'm riding my bike downtown to work. I notice there are a bunch of folks doing the same thing. I remark how just a few years ago, this would have been dangerous. When we get downtown, we have a problem getting up the ramp to the Renaissance Center.


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...