Friday, March 26, 2021


This is one of those long and involved dreams. I'm attending a jazz concert at the Masonic Temple.The concert is great and it turns out it's more of a jazz festival, with several acts performing from early afternoon until the early evening. I'm sitting next to a woman who is a famous local trumpeter. She's someone like Regina Carter and we get on famously--forming an instant friendship. At the intermission I go out in the lobby and try to call the Hawk and tell him about meeting her. I have my old phone which hasn't been charged in years so I can't make the call. I ask a young kid if I can use his phone. The dialing system is really weird-you have to use combinations of numbers. So you have to push a 3 and a 1 to dial the number 4. It's so complicated I just ask the kid to call for me. It's the Hawk's old land line which he's had forever. I get his voice mail and I leave a message. I tell him about the concert, but I can't remember the woman's name so I skip that. Then I go out in the lobby which has a bunch of racks with tourist pamphlets. I thumb through several brochures about jazz concerts, hoping to find her name somewhere. 

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