Friday, March 26, 2021


This is one of those long and involved dreams. I'm attending a jazz concert at the Masonic Temple.The concert is great and it turns out it's more of a jazz festival, with several acts performing from early afternoon until the early evening. I'm sitting next to a woman who is a famous local trumpeter. She's someone like Regina Carter and we get on famously--forming an instant friendship. At the intermission I go out in the lobby and try to call the Hawk and tell him about meeting her. I have my old phone which hasn't been charged in years so I can't make the call. I ask a young kid if I can use his phone. The dialing system is really weird-you have to use combinations of numbers. So you have to push a 3 and a 1 to dial the number 4. It's so complicated I just ask the kid to call for me. It's the Hawk's old land line which he's had forever. I get his voice mail and I leave a message. I tell him about the concert, but I can't remember the woman's name so I skip that. Then I go out in the lobby which has a bunch of racks with tourist pamphlets. I thumb through several brochures about jazz concerts, hoping to find her name somewhere. 



'm in a bathroom taking a leak. Mary Grahms comes in and she explains how she wants me to do some photography for her. Then I go outside and run into Chris Forrest. He shows me an article he wrote which ran in a local paper. 

I'm at a Subaru dealership turning in my car. After all the paperwork is done they assume I'm buying another Subaru. I tell them that I might not and that I'm considering buying a Ford product. Then I run into John Engstrom. 


I was in a kitchen trying to sneak a couple sips of white wine from a bottle in the fridge. There was a piece of cork or something jamming it up . Then I was in a big crowded room. We were all sitting on folding chairs and we were going around the room, sharing memories of Thanksgiving. I was going to tell them about going to my grandparents house. 


I'm walking along Mack Ave. with The Hawk. We see an old garden center at Washington that has been there for years but we're never noticed it. It's real old fashioned and we go inside. There are a bunch f guys at a computer looking at left wing sites. Then we walk further down the street and see a new restaurant at University. It has covered outside seating in response to the pandemic. 

I'm with several women and we're supposed to be working together to solve some sort of celebrity quiz.  

Sunday, March 21, 2021


I'm with a couple guys playing a game with a power washer. It involves one person trying to completely soak the other two. When the water runs out and he hasn't soaked the two, he loses and one of the other guys gets to take over the power washing position. 


I'm in a boat and we/re on the southern coast of Cuba. I decide we need to head west and go around the tip of the island. 

I'm at a dinner at a mansion in Grosse Pointe Woods. It's full of middle age mobsters and I know I don't belong there and just hope no one notices me. I see several tables set up in a square and the places are all set with fancy china and silverware. At one point a bunch of fireworks are set off. 


We're giving out in the country and invite the neighbors over for a party. When we get home, another couple is already there in our kitchen. They brought a bottle of champagne and they've already drunk 1/2 the bottle. The wife says she'll go home and get another bottle. Then a bunch of guests show up and they've loading up their plates with piles of food. 

I get tickets to a Lions game. They're actually asparagus spears--just the tips. I'm riding my bike on 8 Mile Road and run into some guy I tell him about seeing the Lions play at Tiger Stadium. When I get there I go into a room where I'm supposed to watch the game from. It's below the level of the field and there's a window in the upper left corner. All the seats (folding chairs) are on the right side of the room and I tell everyone we should move the chairs to the other side of the room. It's 5 o'clock and the game doesn't start until 7! I have this weird phone which looks like a black brick. It rings and I'm talking to another couple who is having dinner at a fancy restaurant before the game. I wander around town and there are other viewing rooms nowhere near the stadium. Then I'm at the game sitting in the end zone. The stadium looks like Tartar Field and the team is wearing white jerseys an no pads. I figure out it must be the third stringers playing. The place is almost empty. I end up at some event that's a team-building exercise. It involves taking a big telephone pole made of styrofoam and putting it in a hole in the ground. I hold it in place ce and tell the people to fill it in with dirt. 

We're having a meal out on our patio. I bring out a plate of food and it's sizzling hot. I place it on the table and Hannah grabs a french fry and starts eating. 


I see Amos and Kathus. They're in front of Kent drugs. It's sort of like watching a video of them and Kathus is a kid. 

We're living out in the country and I can't find Lizzie. She's in between the two front doors and is totally quiet. 



I'm at a pickup softball game. Then I'm in a restaurant and Jack Kay is cutting up kielbasa. 

I'm in  restaurant waiting to get some food with a meal ticket. Then I'm in a long line, waiting to go on a boat ride to an amusement park. Sort of like Bob-Lo Island. We end up going into a pastry shop and I ask the people we're with if they've even had an almost croissant. There are some samples and I grab a huge piece of one and eat it. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Diana and I are at Chandler Park and are participating in some kind of baking contest. We're going to make a cake and it involves removing the top of a case of beer and shredding it to be used as one of the ingredients. 


I'm negotiating a salary to work a freelance job at a Doner-type ad agency. It's totally crappy work and I tell them I want $75 and hour. They come back with something like $66 and I tell them to forget it. Then they finally agree. 


I run into David Witkowski and he tells me he's been cut by the Detroit Tigers. I ask him what his batting average is and he says zero. We both kind of chuckle at that. 

I'm driving around with some kids Sarah's age and I'm making up a totally generic wedding toast and it's cracking the kids up.  


I''m driving around with Jenny French and we're having a great time and laughing our heads off. I make a mental note that we need to spend more time together since it's so much fun. I notice that John Batten is in the back seat.  


I'm at a fundraiser for the Detroit Jazz Festival. Somehow I accidentally contribute $10,000. Afterwards I'm walking around the festival and I have a gyros in my hand. 


I'm making a movie that's rather Bergmanesque. It's about a couple getting a divorce. The ending is a close up of a box with three potatoes on it. I explain the symbolism of and and rave bout how brilliant it is!


I'm with Bill Swessinger who has a job inspecting restaurants on the Detroit River. We stop in a Mexican breakfast restaurant and he orders us each a full tray of breakfast burritos. I tell him it's too much food, and he mentions that it's free and just eat what I want. 

Monday, March 1, 2021



I get to spend the afternoon with Bill Clinton. We just hang around together chatting. 

I participate in a marathon. I start ut just walking thinking I may take up running again to get into shape. Then I really start running. I'm on Mack Avenue in GP Woods and heading downtown. Somehow I end up in Ann Arbor in some gaming parlor and I'm trying to figure out how to get out of there and back running so I can finish the race. 



I'm at a graduation ceremony at a school. I'm in the lobby and I'm playing drums with the eraser end of some pencils on a black chair seat. I'm making it sound like a snare drum. Then a bunch of students start heading out the the field where the ceremony is going to take pace. A bunch of them are in the marching band and have their instruments with them. 

Afterwards, we're at a luncheon where there are a bunch of platters of cookies and glasses of juice. We're not allowed to eat them yet. Then someone hears a quiet, high-pitched signal that tells us we can start eating. 


I'm at Baker's Keyboard Lounge and I'm supposed to introduce the pianist. Judy Adams has made some notes on my speech. Then we're in a van that's completely filled up. 

I start the coffee maker but I forget to close it and the water is pouring out all over the place. 


I'm at a company breakfast meeting. There's a huge spread of pastries and chocolates. You're supposed to take one or two on a plate and be seated. I get a couple boxes and fill them up with chocolates to take home for Sarah and Hannah. Someone catches me but looks the other way when I explain what I'm doing. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...