Thursday, May 2, 2019


1. A bunch of us were doing a leisurely bike ride through the Grosse Pointes. My dad and I were riding double and at one point he got off the bike and was left behind. I ran into a couple of his old dentist buddies and they were playing golf with their wives at a golf course in Detroit (Chandler Park?). I told them they should try a course that was down near the Detroit River.

2. I was in Ann Arbor trying to get back to Detroit. It looked like a quaint old French town. remember seeing a sign for Shorts Brewery. I saw a young woman who was drumming her fingers to an amazingly complex beat. Then I was in a room with a bunch of people sitting around a table that had  craft projects of some sort on it. Eventually, I was back outside in my car and I stopped a heavy set professor to ask for directions. He asked me what freeway I was looking for and I told him I-94. He said go up a block and turn right. As I headed that way I woke up.

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