Sunday, December 22, 2024


I'm at the Austerberry's house at a party. All four of them are there along with Tom & El. I grab some drink that looks kind of muddy and add a bunch of vodka to it. After guzzling it I'm kind of tipsy and act a bit drunk. Diana notices and she's a little pissed. She sits me down at the dinner table only my space is really cramped. There's a glass of fizzy water at my place. Someone brings around a tray of steaks and I tell them I don't eat meat. Then they bring a big platter of pork chops. 

I'm riding in a bike marathon. 


I was going to be reunited with a long lost daughter. (Maybe I was in prison?) I take a bus to Woodhall and Mack. I get off and walk to the house. People downstairs were white trash. I go upstairs and some guy was cooking dinner. Two of the girl's friends were there. I hug her. Then the three of us hug.  



I get a job as a cop. I'm sitting around HQ and feel way out of place. 

Someone has a platter of veggies. They accidently pour it into a big pot and every one laughs. The we realize it has mold on it and we start laughing hysterically. I'm laughing so hard I have to stop and catch my breath. 



I'm in a painting competition in Bloomfield Hills. It's at some rich Jewish family's house. I ask if they have any musical instruments and they bring out this huge instrument that has wooden hammers. The painters are on the lawn. Someone takes a violin. I leave. I had some old cameras. 


 I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up on Fort Street. I call him and he's still at home. I walk over to Jefferson to catch a bus. 


I'm at a concert venue downtown. A trio is playing and the crowd loves them. It's cool that it's surrounded by a lot of green space. No one knows the name of the band. Then some of us get on a bus that drives around downtown.  I I get off near the river. Trains keep coming by. I tell a guy who works there that it must be cool to see all the trains and he says it sort of distracting. 


I give a performance of some modern music by banging and rubbing some leather chairs. I see two girls and one is a Mercier (Anne). I tell Tom how hard it is to play.  


I'm emptying out a storage place. I help remove hardware so a guy can shellack a wooden cabinet. Someone comes in on a motorcycle with a small trailer. A bunch of his old toys are there and we put them in his trailer. He owns two fake brick walls. 


I'm working security at Tiger Stadium. The inside has a lot of gaudy paneling in circus colors. Bright red and white. Someone tries to break in and I tell them I'm calling the police. 

I get a job working for a group trying to save the stadium. It's mostly women--former advertising folks and old hippies. They show me my desk. I tell them about my career in advertising. 

In this quick, short dream Lizzie runs at me and she has a mouse in her mouth. 



I'm in the outfield in between two baseball games. Every once in a while  ball is hit near me. I pick them up and throw them back. some of them are green and small. Someone says with the new rules. the ball can be any size. 

I'm on the set of a movie or tv show. It's in Detroit inside a sound stage. The star of the show is a young girl--kind of like Taylor Swift. She shows me a promotional pamphlet she designed. I ask her if she did the art and she says yes. It has a lot of pink in the illustrations. I compliment her on it and tell her I'm a painter too--mainly acrylics and watercolors. She tells me what medium she uses and I've never heard of it. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...