Sunday, November 24, 2024


Sarah, Hannah, and I are visiting Joanne and Jon in Ann Arbor. S&H decide to take the train home. I hang around and they have a little toddler who craps his diaper. It's all over my legs and pants and we try to clean it up with paper toweling. 



I'm starting a band with Pounder and we both play fiddles. We go around town planning it. Pounder is playing almost the whole time. 



I'm in a store that sells things that are super fancy. There's a stereo that's in a fancy, antique-looking case. It's beautiful wood. It's $800. The salesman plays "Led Zeppelin 2". We go into the mall with a salesman to compare prices. 



Joey and I are cooking some rice dishes in pans in the oven. One is sizzling. I look down and it looks like there may not be enough for dinner. I go outside and finish a beer. I put it in a red wagon. I see a family all dressed up There are two dogs and one is pulling a woman sitting on a step stool with wheels. I tell Joe about it. Do they live down the street? 



I do my hair up and joke around with Aiden. Then I'm hanging around with Joe Biden. Obama comes in and we have a lot of laughs together. 



Lauren Sargent was helping us pack up a bunch of stuff to give away. As I was leaving I checked a big box and put aside some things to save. They weren't in the bag. 


Some guy is mixing up a special blend to smoke. He sprinkles in some herbs. I go to the bathroom and when I return he's packed everything up and is going to do some film project out in the country. We decide to quit and pack up our equipment. On a hill three guys are fighting. The spend the whole day fighting each other. 


There's a huge snowfall. Some friends help me shovel the driveway. And someone else complains about a lousy job they did I give them a lecture about how heavy the snow is and to cut them some slack. 



I've entered a "Rowing for Charity" event. It's virtually effortless. I'm at 40,000 meters and it seems like nothing. "I can do this forever." 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...