Wednesday, June 12, 2024


I'm at a new job and there's a communal bathroom. I go in and it's an open room with rows of toilets and people are sitting on them. I think it's pretty weird and am thinking of using the bathrooms at the restaurants in the neighborhood. 

I'm on the west side and need to take a bus across town on 8 Mile Road to get to class. I go into a gas station to get change for the bus. I hand the cashier a $20 bill and he gives me change including an extra $5. I give it back to him. 

I''m at school. I'm taking two classes--including a photography class. I need to sign a bunch of papers. I discover they're for things like tickets to the Hillberry Theatre and for a magazine. So I cross out my signatures. 


I'm at a new job in Ohio.There's a weird food  court and I can't figure out the menu.  take a huge pastry/cookie with lots of icing on it. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024



In my dream I open the front door and the book I ordered is on the front porch. It's a book about butterflies and I tell Joe that now I can start on a series of butterflies in watercolors. In reality, the next morning the book actually arrived! How weird is that?!?!



I'm having trouble starting the lawn mower. I pull a couple times and it almost starts. Then I notice the spark plug isn't connected. I keep trying over and over and there's always something wrong. 


I'm in law school in New York City. I'm in a big room with Art Mitchell. 

Joe hires some guys to put in a drain in the front of ur house. They dig up the whole yard and there are huge piles of dirt.  


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...