Patty Brown hires me to take Emily to swimming practice. I'm running late. It's 11:50 and we're supposed to be downtown at noon. When we're downtown we go into a building where all the floors are moving sidewalks. I go into the dressing room and it's a total shitshow getting into my suit. When I go out to the beach Emily has some severe burns from the sun. WE have to go to the hospital. After I take her there I can't find her. There are a bunch of hospitals in a small area. Then I hear she's going into labor. I run into Elizabeth Gelman who's a doctor. She says she'll help me find Emily.
A blog to share my dreams. No, not my aspirations, but my actual dreams. I find our subconscious world absolutely fascinating--maybe someone can give me a bit of insight into just what these crazy dreams mean. Have at it world!
Thursday, December 28, 2023
I can suddenly see without my glasses. I keep feeling for them only they're not on my head.
I was at a friend of the Ohare's cottage. The place was a total wreck inside. Eric was doing the work. I explained to the owners how contractors worked. The start on one job, then move on to the next one and keep working until the people at the first job complain. I told them to give Eric a buzz and call him on it.
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
Zubes and I ride our bikes down to Kercheval in the park. There's a big music festival there and I see Rick Steiger in the crowd. Then I run into Phillis Hurks and she has two little girls with her. One looks exactly like her. I introduce Zubes to her and we talk about our jobs.
I'm at a wake at someone's house and I'm totally naked. Tony Ruda is there. I sneak out the walk home to get dressed ups I'm near Maumee and Fisher Roads and I'm trying to decide whether to take Washington or Lincoln to get to the folk's house on Rivard.
I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...

I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if...
I'm rolling a big stereo cart (Nick's) to have it repaired. I take it on an elevator and another guy has a big screen/panel he's...
I'm at some gathering and am talking to a friend of my in-laws. I have some ribbons I got from a SMART meeting and the woman had never h...