Saturday, November 26, 2022


I'm staying in a cabin that's kind of like the O'Hare's cottage. Someone hands be a baby to hold and it pees on me. I need to take a shower. There's a spigot on the ceiling in the middle of the room and it's spraying water into the corner. Jackie Farber was going to take a shower but she lets me go first. 


I go to a party. It's a banquet for the Buddy's Boating Volunteers and there's free pizza. The Hawk has crashed the party and is eating free pizza and making some home for El. By the time I get there there's almost none left. The restaurant is near Mack & Alter Road. 


I'm walking around the Renaissance Center discussing what a genius Frank Zappa was. We go into a pizzaria called "Hot Rats". Athen we walk by another pizza joint. A bunch of people are sitting at the counter. Bob Wilson and Tony Sertich are with me. I mention that I don't drink. I think we're also with Aunt Mary Jane. 


I was at an ad agency discussing breast sizes with Marie D. She said she was a 38D and I kept insisting she was a 38B. The room was set up like a c classroom. Then, this is a reoccurring theme:  I can goof off all I want at work because I've arranged a deal where I don't have to turn in a time sheet and I still get paid. 


Joe and I travel to Brooklyn with Steve Dannaher. We're in sort of a seedy apartment. There's a Greek restaurant in the basement. Joe orders three gyros for us. I tell her I'm still not eating meat. There's a bathroom on a lower floor. I go down there and some olive oil drips down on me from someone's salad onto my pants. I get mad and leave and walk around town.

Friday, November 18, 2022


I'm trying to get a pair of speakers to work. There are two sets of wires and they'e working just fine. But the third set aren't working. I suggest maybe we need some thicker speaker wire. 

I'm outside raking leaves. We're at our old house on Rivard and I'm raking the leaves into a big pit. 

Someone has trimmed a small tree I'm growing. I'm really mad because they hacked almost all the lower branches of the tree and it looks really dumb! 


We're visiting Pounder in Virginia. He's outside playing a game of virtual golf. We meet one of his friends who's not very friendly. 


I'm trying to get an interview at JWT in the Renaissance Center. Somehow I lost my portfolio outside the building. I walk around the floor of the agency and run into some people who I used to work with. I ask someone (Forgot his name), if he still worked on dealer advertising and he said no. Then his creative director asks if his dealer commercial was ready to present. I talk to one of the CDs about finding my portfolio. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


I'm with a group of guys. We're all smuggling pieces of a car. We're going to reassemble them and make a hot rod at the corner of Rivard and Grosse Pointe Blvd. There are five of us. I take a couple photos of the car but I'm at the end of the roll of film. 


 I''m outside Spartan Stadium. The coach of the football team is giving away tickets to the game. He invites me to lunch. After lunch he makes me a ref for the game. I'm just a sub and am standing on the sidelines. The refs aren't wearing striped uniforms, but their uniforms have advertising on them. 

I'm at Chris & Jen's and they're trying to set y brother up with a date. I tell them just to use the internet. Then Chris gives me a couple work shirts. One has the logo of a landscaping company on it and the other one is plain. 


I run into a girl from high school--Martha Wood? She looks like Denise Blanke. There's an old farmhouse near Cobo Hall for sale. I hear a price of $730. And the utilities are $400 a month in the suer. 


We outside in a busy part of town. We spot an actor at a drinking fountain I point him out and mention that he was an actor in an episode of the new Twilight Zone where he played an assassin. 

Friday, November 11, 2022


I watched the film "Toscana," a real foodie type movie right before going to sleep. Then my whole night's dreaming centered around food. In one dream after another, I was attending various functions where an incredible selection of Middle Eastern for was being served. There was a great variety of both sweets and savory dishes. I kept sampling them and loading up plates with piles of food. 

Thursday, November 10, 2022


I'm going to be working on the Ford account. I meet with their team in a country club. One guy's last name is Money and I ask him if he's related to Frank Roney and he mentions that he's black so it's unlikely. I invite them over for dinner. Then I'm at home and am supposed to go and pick up Maryann Pilon for some reason. I look up her number in my phone book only water got onto it and I can't read her number. Then the guests start arriving. I offer them wine and they ask for different varietels. I only have a couple bottles of white so I tell them we have what they ant. Out house is pretty messy. Then Diana brings in a small rectangle-shaped cake for an appetizer. 


I'm in a city near where Pounder lives. He calls me up and tells me he's in a restaurant with Sarah and Hannah. I'm on a bike and am having a hard time finding them.


I'm at a wedding or a Ritzy party at the War Memorial. We're supposed to wear a blue 3-piece suit. Someone took mine and I ned it back to get into the party. I look everywhere for it and can't find it. Some women are setting out what looks like lemon meringue pies out on the side of a small hill for the guests. 

Sunday, November 6, 2022


I'm in the Renaissance Center on the mezzanine level. I look down and watch a women's bike race. The women are all wearing black uniforms and a few of them have huge boobs. They're riding these really tall bikes. Then I'm in a hotel room with my dad. He has a leather toiletries bag. I tell him I'm going downstairs to get some coffee and he says he prefers instant coffee. We take an elevator downstairs, and then I have to swim into some water to get to the rest of the building. I wake up as soon as I hit the water. 


I'm in a mall in Ann Arbor and I call Kathy and Angelos to pick me up. We go into an old fashioned Chinese restaurant. I secretly take photos of it with my phone Then we go to the part of a mall that hasn't opened yet. There are piles of dirt--it's a construction site. Then Kaya joins us. 


We buy Randy & Amy's old house. I'm in the backyard and it's huge. I explain how I want to hire a landscaper. Then I walk around the property explaining al the changes I want to make. Later, I have a second dream where I describe the first dream. 


I'm hearing Swedish singers (on the radio?) and their voices are super high frequency. Then Bjork has a daughter at Richard, our local elementary school. So she's going to be coming to Grosse Pointe all the time. I meet her. She's kind of snobby at first, then she warms up and we're on friendly terms. I'm surprised that she looks pretty normal, and actually is a bit on the chubby side!


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...