Wednesday, November 17, 2021



I'm driving around Belle Isle, only it looks more like Harson's Island. It's huge and a bunch of people live on the island. I go to Steve Pobutnick's family home. Everyone's sitting around the table ready to eat. Steve asks me if I'd like some wine. He has a big vase full of white wine. He says he's having wine and water, and he pours me a big glass. 


I'm about to make a funny cooking presentation. Someone goes ahead of me and then it's my turn. I realize I haven't rehearsed it enough and I don't have the script with me. Then I look down and realize I'm wearing some black short culottes, that have some lace in the front and I wonder if I should change out of them. 


Andy and I visit Rob Tobin and we're staying at an apartment he owns. I do a rowing workout and when I'm done, everyone's ready to go out. I have a couple layers of clothes on and two pairs of boots. I tell them I need 5 minutes to shower and I start to undress. 


We're in a small town in Ontario. We stop into an art gallery which is in someone's home. They're selling mini paintings.I give the owner my contact info. Mary Mercier is there with some of her homemade wine. I pour some and accident spill some. 


They're calling off the lottery numbers, only they're not numbers, they're symbols. I get three matching symbols but I don't win the grand prize. I get to choose a table setting. I spot Queen Elizabeth roaming around and I'm going to go up to her and ask her if I won. 


I get two whole fried chickens in a restaurant. The first one is dried out and tasteless but the second one is fantastic. I complain to the waitress. 


I have a greyhound dog on a leash. The collar has a bunch of settings on it and I set it to Doge Charger and the dog starts acting crazy. I reset it to "greyhound" Then we look for an elevator to go downstairs. 


I'm at a mall and it's Super Bowl Sunday. Hannah is running around. The I see Jeff leading an AA meeting. I join them and tell them I'm just observing. Later I see Jeff at our next door neighbor's side doo and he's about to start another meeting. 

Joe is talking to some guy (Cal) who's wearing a blue and yellow football jersey. They're talking about politics and vacations. 


I'm with Tom and we have a job sleeping on trains underground. He mentions his dad and how he's gotten into some kind of trouble. 

I'm at the entrance of a train station. I zip up my fly and I see Sue K. Then I see Joanne and Uncle Angelos. He almost falls over and I grab him by his coat. 

I'm with Una and we're discussing films. The we start jumping up and down on the lawn and I mention the phrase "Stop, drop, and roll". 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...