Thursday, December 5, 2019


1. I'm driving to my in-laws house. We head down St. Clair St. and turn on Kercheval. There are a bunch of high schoolers on the road and some of them are stopped and holding up traffic. I pull up next to them, honk my horn, and yell at them. Meanwhile, my friend Stu is in the car and babbling nonsense the whole time.

2. My brother Paul comes over for dinner. He hangs out in the garden while my wife and I go over to the west side and hang out on Grand River. While there I run into Marcy, and old girlfriend. By the time we get home Paul is pretty hammered. I tell my wife that we only bought one bottle of wine and that it might not be enough for the two of them. As I start to make dinner, Paul says he's too tired to eat and is going to bed. I notice that he's left a bunch of crap around the dining room and I start to clean up and am going to sweep the floor. In the bathtub I see a package for an old roll of film and a couple cigarette butts. I'm going to take a photo of them but before I do, some little bratty kid puts the butts in his mouth. I take them out and this scene is repeated over and over. I simply can't take the picture quickly enough. The dream evolves into a bizarre, Terry Gilliam-type scene where a skinny, court jester picks up the kid and shackles him to the top of a ladder. He puts the ladder against the wall while I take the debris into the vestibule to photograph them.

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