Wednesday, May 15, 2019


1. I was at the Olympics and was invited to try a device that was similar to a trapeze, where you could swing back and forth by using subtle wrist motions. I turned out to be extremely good at it. A sports broadcaster wanted me to demonstrate how to do it and I was going to use a shorter version of the device. There were some kids on it, only they were in a sort of cart, hanging by wires. I told them they needed to center themselves to make it swing straight.

2. I was going swimming with my dad and my younger daughter. We had to take a shower first. Then, as we entered the pool area, I noticed there were a couple of huge fish in the water.

3. I was at my dad's office and was trying to leave. There was a large display of presents in the waiting room that one of his renters set up, and I accidentally knocked a couple boxes over trying to leave. Then I was in a van driving around East Detroit with someone and we passed by a popup farmers market. We found an alley that was fairly deserted and we were going to drive down it.

4. I was in a make shift studio during a recording session. The singer asked me to hold a piece of paper in front of the ceiling-mounted microphones to muffle the sound a bit, because he was trying to get a certain studio ambience.

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