Thursday, June 16, 2022


I'm outside the lobby at Y&R where the elevators are. I'm eating with Sal Lumetta. His meal comes right away but I keep waiting for my seafood pasta to arrive. We've been there since 11:30 and it's now after 3! I spot a bunch of women drinking champagne from bottles left over from an earlier celebration. 


I'm with some guys and we're going down Vernier. There are bread signs on every corner. I call the police on a borrowed hone to report this. I get to a classroom and someone needs some bread to soak up some vomit. There guy I borrowed the phone from is sitting down. Everyone has a free sample loaf of bread. 


I'm in Greek Town and there are a bunch of souvenir shops I go into a fossil shop and there's a cool black conch that's $10,000. It's $7,000 in the local currency. Then a bunch of other souvenir sellers come in and take over a lot of his floor space.  


I'm living with my parents. They bring home a koala bear. I worry abut it getting along with Lizzie. We need to put a litter box in a room and put it in there. Then I'm in a restaurant in a jazz band. I'm playing drums and I do a brush too with some brushes I borrowed from someone. The song ends and everyone claps. 

I'm fishing off a dock with Paul and I catch a 23-pound walleye. 

I'm working on a car catalog. I'm drawing a spread and I can't read Erick's (?) writing and I go over to his desk and he explains it.  


I'm packing a bunch of cookies in a bag. Then I clear a desk so I can photograph them on it. Craig Pechera must some stuff on the desk. I clear it off and tell him I only need it for 5 minutes. 


I'm at a party and we're running out of soda water for wine spritzers. Bill K. finds 2 bottles of tonic water This will do. Then we're at Eastland where the movie theaters used to be. We're in the parking lot at a party. I take a bunch of photos of the ids there.  

Wednesday, June 1, 2022


We're at a restaurant with Amir. He orders some meat dish rare. When it arrives he tells them it's not rare enough. They then bring him a frying pan filled with blood. 



I'm cutting some corn off the cob with a sharp knife. My brother Paul tells me I'm doing it wrong. 



I'm in our front yard trimming the redbud trees. Some huge branches fall down and just miss me. 


I'm getting some quarters together to buy tickets to a Piston's game. I think it's $1.75 but it turns out to only be $1.08. That the number on the FM dial of a rock station. 


I'm riding around with Bess Bonnier and some of her friends. We're going to a restaurant. I tell a guy named Tony to call Diana to i...